Deploying an HSSN Validator

Step-by-step guide for deploying a new HSSN Validator Node, including system requirements, hardware configurations, and setup instructions.

Operating System Requirements

  • Ubuntu Server 22.04.4 LTS

Hardware Requirements










HSSN Validator Setup

1. Download and Install the Package

tar -zxvf hypergrid-ssn.tar.gz

2. Initialization Settings

Navigate to the extracted directory:

cd .hypergrid-ssn

Create a key pair:

./bin/hypergrid-ssnd keys add my_validator --keyring-backend test

Initialize the configuration (replace <NODE_NAME> with your node name):

./bin/hypergrid-ssnd init <NODE_NAME> --default-denom hsol --chain-id hypergridssn

Copy the ~/.hypergrid-ssn/genesis.json file and overwrite the the contents of the file generated at ~/.hypergrid-ssn/config/genesis.json.

Modify config/app.toml:

minimum-gas-prices = "0hsol"

Modify config/config.toml:

Update the external IP. Make sure to replace the <YOUR_NODE_IP_ADDRESS> with your node's external IP address.

external_address = "<YOUR_NODE_IP_ADDRESS>:26656"
persistent_peers = "1a4b042887edd9ea3da11d858ab4bcb953069f96@"

3. Run the Validator

Make sure to replace <NODE_NAME> with the name you configured in Step 2.

./bin/hypergrid-ssnd start --moniker <NODE_NAME>

4. Networking

Display your validator's account address:

./bin/hypergrid-ssnd keys show my_validator -a --keyring-backend test

Use the account address obtained from the command above to get HSOL tokens from the HSSN faucet.

Show your Tendermint validator public key:

./bin/hypergrid-ssnd tendermint show-validator

Replace the pubkey in validator.json with the the public key you obtained above and update the moniker with the corresponding node name you configured in Step 2:

    "pubkey": {"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.ed25519.PubKey","key":"KRrCrMHaeog5IAwSxFsUk/teRwDaZIhHQ5gFkrqcums="},
    "amount": "100000000hsol",
    "moniker": "<NODE_NAME>",
    "commission-rate": "0.1",
    "commission-max-rate": "0.2",
    "commission-max-change-rate": "0.01",
    "min-self-delegation": "1"

Stake as a validator:

./bin/hypergrid-ssnd tx staking create-validator ./validator.json --from my_validator --keyring-backend test --chain-id hypergridssn

Check if the operation was successful:

./bin/hypergrid-ssnd q staking validators

5. Install and Configure Solana Client

Install the Solana client:

sh -c "$(curl -sSfL"

Verify the installation:

solana --version

Set the Solana configuration:

solana config set --url
solana-keygen new --no-passphrase
solana address

Use the account address obtained from the command above to get SOL tokens from the Sonic grid faucet and the Solana Devnet faucet.

6. Register Node

Make sure to replace <NODE_NAME> with the name you configured in Step 2.

./bin/hypergrid-ssnd tx hypergridssn create-hypergrid-node $(solana address) "<NODE_NAME>" "" 1 "" $(date +%s) --from my_validator -y --chain-id hypergridssn --keyring-backend test

If you have any questions, please email for assistance.

Last updated