
Check Sonic Explorer Here: https://explorer.sonic.game

An explorer is a web-based tool that allows users to search and analyze a blockchain's data in real-time. The Sonic explorer is crucial for developers, validators, and users alike, providing visibility into transactions, accounts, block production, and more.

Here are some of the key features and uses of the Sonic Explorer:

  1. Transaction Details: You can search for and view details of specific transactions, including the sender, receiver, amount transferred, and fees paid.

  2. Account Information: Explorers provide detailed information on accounts on Sonic, including balance, transaction history, and associated smart contracts.

  3. Block Information: Users can view details about individual blocks such as the block producer, the transactions included in the block, and the time of production.

  4. Network Statistics: Sonic explorers often display overall network statistics such as the current transaction rate, total number of validators, and network uptime.

  5. Smart Contracts and Programs: They allow for inspection of deployed smart contracts and programs on Sonic, showing the code and interactions over time.

  6. Real-time Monitoring and Alerts: Some explorers offer features like real-time monitoring of network events and alerts for specific transaction activities.

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