
This page lists the steps on how to setup Rush.

🚧 Rush is under heavy development. Expect bugs, crashes, breaking changes, and partial experiences so we can ship fast, break things, and iterate to bring you the best onchain game development experience. This page is Updated Daily.

Prerequisite: Install the Rust and Solana toolchain

Install Rush CLI with Cargo

cargo install rush-ecs-cli

Check for successful installation by running


If successfully installed it should print out the following

Rapid and Declarative development framework for Fully Onchain Games (FOCG) and Autono
mous Worlds (AW) by SonicSVM.

Usage: rush [COMMAND]

  new     Create a new Rush project.
  deploy  Deploy current Rush project
  view    Create a new Rush project.
  help    Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help  Print help

Build Your Game

Clone the rush-quickstart repository to study a barebones scaffolding of a simple Player movement game.

Create a new Rush Workspace

Using the Rush CLI, create a new Rush workspace to generate the Rush Manifest and initial Rush Gaming Blueprint.

Use the following command

rush new <NAME>

For example

rush new my-onchain-game

A successful Rush workspace creation will display the following

⠀[SUCCESS] Rush project created.

It will also create a new folder with the following folder structure


Where Rush.toml is your Rush Manifest and world.toml is your Rush Gaming Blueprint.

Configure Rush Manifest

After creating your Rush workspace, modify the Rush.toml and replace the fillers with actual values.

See References for recommended values.

name = "my-onchain-game"

repository = "solana"

rpc = "<HTTPS_RPC_URL>"
keypair = "<KEYPAIR_PATH>"

Configure Gaming Blueprint

Next, configure your Gaming Blueprint to define the data you are able to interact with in your Onchain World using the Rush SDKs.

name = "My Onchain World"
description = "My Onchain World Description"
entities = ["player"]
regions = ["base"]

player = { name = "String", x ="f64", y = "f64"}

player = [
	{ name = "Player1", x = 0.0, y = 0.0 }

For example the Gaming Blueprint above defines a 1 Entity player, 1 Region base, 1 Instance player under the Region base.

Deploy Your Onchain World

Now that you're done configuring your Rush Manifest and Rush Gaming Blueprint, it's time to deploy your Onchain World (migration) with the Rush CLI.

rush deploy

A successful deployment would yield a similarly looking output below.

> $ rush deploy                                                            ⬡ 18.19.1 
[SUCCESS] Created world: 8b4ywLN4SCKKNJRECcg9CZ8XR1XWdEGDCv4dY5yeRAS2, Signature: 5Jag
[SUCCESS] Spawned #1: 2hTonMZgSyiPuG7Y4XWSiy7eeh4jTL29826rr5LLpQYb, Signature: 23e1aBj

Interact with your Onchain World

To interact with your Onchain World, you need to add the rush_ecs_core package and rush_ecs_sdk package with the command below.

cargo add rush_ecs_core rush_ecs_sdk

Import them into your Bevy game.

use rush_ecs_core::blueprint::{Component, ComponentValue};
use rush_ecs_sdk::bevy::BevySDK;

Instantiate the SDK and use it to interact with your Onchain World.

fn update(mut player_query: Query<(&mut Transform, &Position), With<Player>>) {
    let mut sdk = BevySDK::new(

    let x_value = sdk
        .get("farm".to_string(), "player".to_string(), 1, "x".to_string())
    let y_value = sdk
        .get("farm".to_string(), "player".to_string(), 1, "x".to_string())

    let x = x_value.unwrap_float();
    let y = y_value.unwrap_float();

    for (mut transform, position) in &mut player_query {
        transform.translation.x = x as f32;
        transform.translation.y = y as f32;

See Reference to see more available SDK functions.

Last updated